Ethiopia and Djibouti Alert Sample

Alert Sample

Alert results for: Ethiopia and Djibouti

Information between 12th December 2021 - 7th September 2024

Note: This sample does not contain the most recent 2 weeks of information. Up to date samples can only be viewed by Subscribers.
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Parliamentary Debates
Ethiopia: Humanitarian and Political Situation
35 speeches (13,447 words)
Wednesday 19th January 2022 - Westminster Hall
Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office
1: Jeremy Corbyn (IND - Islington North) Tewkesbury (Mr Robertson) for his very good work as chair of the all-party parliamentary group for Ethiopia - Link to Speech
2: Chris Heaton-Harris (CON - Daventry) tribute to him for all his work as the long-standing chair of the all-party parliamentary group for Ethiopia - Link to Speech

Select Committee Documents
Monday 31st October 2022
Written Evidence - Transparency International Defence & Security
WGN0021 - The Wagner Group and beyond: proxy Private Military Companies

The Wagner Group and beyond: proxy Private Military Companies - Foreign Affairs Committee

Found: Chinese PMSCs such as Beijing DeWe Security Service protect railways in Kenya and natural gas projects in Ethiopia

Deposited Papers
Monday 5th June 2023

Source Page: I. Letter dated 12/05/2023 from Andrew Mitchell MP to the Deposited Papers Clerk regarding the African Development Fund's Sixteenth Replenishment: background documents for deposit in the House Libraries. 1p. II. Report on the Sixteenth General Replenishment of the Resources of the African Development Fund (ADF-16): Fostering a climate-smart, resilient, inclusive and integrated Africa. 188p. III. Resolution F/BG/2023/01 on the Sixteenth General Replenishment of the Resources of the African Development Fund. 14p.
Document: ADF-16_Deputies_Report_8_Feb_2023.pdf (PDF)

Found: The objective of the project is to improve cross -border power trade between Ethiopia and Djibouti and